Lara Limbach
Lara Limbach
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- Abadi·
Even tough I directly moved on after the session and I wasn’t even thinking about it anymore or doing anything to integrate it - the next days after it I realised many great changes and improvements!
Now I see that what I asked for, I was helped with even tough I can’t say how it happened.
It developed and progressed a lot since we had our session. I feel the support from my higher self clearly now and I witness how I embody my power more boldly and courageously. Not only in front of people but also in front of myself. And I would say that the way of how I move through life is shifting. Usually when I wanted to make a step forward there were these voices of doubt and sticking to comfort zone, more why it wouldn’t work, rather than why it would work. And now it’s more like „yes why not?“ and the blockages that used to hold me back from changing my reality they diminished, they still come up sometimes but they feel small to me and they don’t feel like they have power over me, as they had before. - Esther·
Lara hat eine unglaubliche Verbindung zur Schöpfung. Sie hat mit ihrer unschuldigen und doch kraftvollen angebunden Seele direkt in meine Essenz geblickt und scheinbar ganz mühelos und intuitiv tiefe Prozesse bezeugt und mir bewusst gemacht. Ich fühle mich wieder ein ganzes Stück weiter in meiner Seelenreise, befreit, gesehen und erinnert an meine Wahrhaftigkeit.
In tiefer Dankbarkeit für diese seelenverwandte Begleitung auf meinem Weg in die neue Erde 2.0 - Rohit Surya·
It is with great sense of joy, interest I take this opportunity to pen down my experience of Chart reading session with Lara. I was welcomed to a serene, peaceful and calm ambience at Lara's place, that already set a positive vibe even before the session began. The chart reading covered all the essential aspects one would expect with in-depth explanation and timely clarifications provided. Lara patiently, hears out queries and joyfully addresses the nuances, leaving no stone unturned. A special mention about the meticulous preparation Lara had already made much before, having very well hand written script that could be carried along with after. Overall, a very productive and an interactive session, looking forward to even more. Definitely recommended.